[27.08.2013 / 11:39]
admin писал: Я видел Корбайна вживую)) он Дэйва снимал в Берлине под шуд би хая хотя, может и просто фоткал в любом случае, хочется верить, что режиссером был он Все будет хорошо, даже, если будет иначе! |
[29.08.2013 / 02:01]
The setlist is banal, and pretty the same songs they play every tour with very few exceptions. The only ‘outside the box’ songs are the accoustic versions by Gore. But who wants to hear them accoustic? I want the full, electronic version of ‘But Not Tonight’, not the watered down version. I also noticed DM cut 2 songs from the NA tour. Typical. DM are pretty much done after this; two shit albums in a row, and the same ‘greatest hits’ setlist again and again. They just need to end it. |